WARC, (an acronym of Wyndham Amateur Radio Club), is an Amateur Radio Club that predominantly serves the Southwestern suburbs of the city of Melbourne, Australia.

Formally established in late 2015, the Club seeks to provide a warm and friendly atmosphere in which Members and others can share and enjoy all aspects of Amateur Radio.

If you are interested in Electronics, Computing and Radio you will find people here at the Club who are keen to share those interests with you.

The Club holds regular day meetings on the first and third Saturdays of every month excepting January as well as conducting Social Events and Field Days.  Check out our Calendar for these events.

We can assist you with training and sitting for the basic Foundation Licence.   We also hope to do the same for both the Standard and Advanced Licences in the near future.

Membership is open to all, you do not need an Amateur Radio Licence to join.

If you are on Facebook or Discord, please check out our page and you would be most welcome to join our group.

For those that have a licence, our Members can usually be found on our favourite 2m FM Repeater, VK3RGL.   VK3RGL can be accessed on 147.000MHz and has a 600kHz negative offset on TX and a 91.5Hz CTCSS.  You are quite welcome to jump on in and say G’day at any time.