International Lighthouse Weekend 2019
We had a very enjoyable time over this weekend even though we could only operate from 8am to 4pm. The weather was cold, but fine and sunny.

Bush and cliffs down to the sea at the back.

Setup with Light House in the background.
We were using a brand new Icom 7300 (I want one) supplied by Rob (VK3KIX) into a 20-15-10, 2 element beam and a 80-40-20 trapped squid pole vertical.

Rob and IC-7300

Two Element Beam on 20m-15m-10m.

Three band trapped vertical (80m-40m-20m).
We had a total of 42 QSOs of which 21 were Light Houses and the remainder were RD contesters and individuals. Most QSOs were on 40m. There was a good spread of state and interstate QSO’s. Standouts were ZL6CC 40m (Light House ZL001), VK6CLL 20m (Light House AU008 ) and VK6NC (RD). Unfortunately the RD contest did dominate the weekend and we will probably set up for both next time.
This is the first time we have used the Club Caravan in anger. It was was donated to our club by the Geelong Radio & Electronics Society. We can run these events in reasonable comfort now.

Spit Roast for Sunday Lunch. We did have problems with the wind blowing the flame out.

Coffee, Tea & Biscuits.

Michael (VK3FAAO) making a brew.

Packed up ready for home.
Thanks to all that participated.